Project 2: Iteration

Due: Feb. 15, 2024 (link to submission form)


Create two sensors using a different design from the sensor you built in class and test them with a simple LED circuit. They should be the same type of switch or sensor, and you can use the same construction techniques (e.g. all hand sewn) or different ones (e.g. sensor 1 is embroidered, sensor 2 is bonded). These will become part of your toolkit for the next few classes. 

Focus on functionality first, then begin to refine the aesthetic of your sensor. The goal here is for you to practice techniques through iteration, not exploration. You should apply what you learned building the first sensor to the second one. Two completely different sensors is not an acceptable submission (e.g. one yarn stretch, one fabric pressure, one thread switch, etc).

Document your project on a personal blog, in a Google doc, or another easily readable format that you can submit via the Google form. It must include the elements below:

  • 1 image of each sensor (2 total)
  • A short video of both sensors working with the circuit
  • A list of the steps you took to construct one. Bonus for process images.
  • 3-4 sentences of reflection on the process either written, audio, or video. You could address one or more of the following questions (you do not have to answer them all): How did this activity feel? What did you enjoy about it? What was challenging about it? What did you learn? What would you do differently next time?

Submit your documentation to this Google Form before class on 2/15/24.


Repetition and iteration are core tools to strengthen our skills. It is through this repetition and subsequent iteration that new ideas emerge, as subtle variations and improvements accumulate. Setting an expectation that you will arrive at a perfect solution on the first attempt is unrealistic and even harmful. The possibilities inscribed in each iteration as we fold in new experiences, observations, and perspectives are critical. Not only do they offer a new beginning to build on, but a hope to carry along the way, a belief in the process.

Rule 6: Nothing is a mistake. There’s no win and no fail, there’s only make.

From the Ten Rules
