Course Supplies

This is a materials-focused course. The Required section contains all of the supplies and materials you must acquire to complete the course. I have provided links to distributors where you can purchase your supplies through Adafruit or Amazon, but you can find these materials or tools through other distributors if you like. The Given section lists the project-based kits I will give you. The Shared section details the materials and tools available to you in the class locker.

You are expected to bring all required 
materials and tools to every class.


The total cost of required materials will depend on what you already have from prior courses or interests. If you need to purchase ALL of the supplies new, the total cost will be approximately $100-$110. I do not want the cost of this course to prevent anyone from taking it. If you are unable to purchase some of the supplies, I have a small library of supplies that I can lend out. Please reach out to me individually over Slack to discuss.

  • Toolbox
  • Optional

    The supplies below are not required, but may be helpful depending on the material direction you take and projects you choose to complete.

    • Lead-free Solder – the kit above comes with lead solder, but if you want a cheap, lead free option, this will work
    • Fabric Glue – we will have this in the locker, but if you plan to work extensively with conductive thread or fabric, I recommend you get this
    • Short Wire Alligator Clip Test Lead (set of 12) – these are only about 4 inches and great to keep wires from tangling
    • Tweezers – indispensable for surface mount soldering
    • Household Iron – helpful if you are taking a textile direction
    • Exacto knife – helpful if you are more into paper
    • Lithium Ion Polymer Battery – 3.7v 400mAh – if you want to have your Circuit Playground Express untethered
    • LiPo Charger – to recharge the battery above


    The supplies below will be available to you in the locker. Once we run out as a class, you will be required to purchase additional materials on your own. Please be considerate of your peers as you take materials.