Week 6: Sensors 1


Assignment due Mar 6


  • Bring your sensors and microcontrollers with a data cable to next class.

Swatch Exchange

Submit your documentation to this Google Form by end of day on March 6.

Create two sensors using the same design, then test them with a simple LED circuit. They should be the same type of sensor, and you can use the same construction techniques (e.g. all hand sewn) or different ones (e.g. sensor 1 is embroidered, sensor 2 is bonded). The goal here is iteration: to deepen your learning and tacit knowledge through repetitive making. During class share out, you will keep one and give one away. Please bring BOTH to class even if they aren’t working.

  • A suggested approach: Focus on functionality first, then begin to refine the aesthetic of your sensor. The goal here is for you to practice techniques through iteration, not exploration. You should apply what you learned building the first sensor to the second one. Two completely different sensors is not an acceptable submission (e.g. one yarn stretch, one fabric pressure, one thread switch, etc).

Document your project on a personal blog, in a Google doc, or another easily readable format that you can submit via the Google Form. It must include the elements below:

  • Write a brief description of how your sensor works and why you decided to make this design. You should also address 1-2 of the following questions:
    • How did this activity feel?
    • What did you enjoy about it?
    • What was challenging about it?
    • What did you learn?
    • What would you do differently next time?
  • List the materials and tools you used.
  • A high level overview of the steps to make it. Bonus points for process pictures documenting construction.
  • Take a video demonstrating you testing the sensor with a battery and LED.


Rule 6: Nothing is a mistake. There’s no win and no fail, there’s only make.

From the Ten Rules
